
106 Enterprises

Mario Avato, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Mário Brandão Faria

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Mescla de Facetas, Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Mesmo à Medida Sapatos, Unip. Lda.

Manufacture of footwear.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Miguel Fernando Pinho da Rocha

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Moutinho Ribeiro da Silva, Lda.

On Zen is a professional footwear brand resgistered and owned by Hemisfério Verde Unipessoal, Lda. O...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

MX Plates - Ingoproject, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry


Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Wood and Cork Industries

Nestor Amorim

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Neves & Pinho, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

On Shoes, Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry


Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Orthowalker, Unipessoal Lda

orthopedic shoe makers, orthopedic shoes, semi-orthopedics

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Osnofa Shoes Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Pedro,s Corte e Costura de Calçado, Unipessoal...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Prisco - Sociedade de Produção Industrial e Comercia...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Profissional Ponto - Corte e Costura, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Relprod Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Relu Corte Costura de Calçado Unipessoal, Lda

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Rocha & Brito, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Rodrigues & Fonseca, Lda.

With a wide experience of 25 years in the production of footwear for children and youth, Reguila/Ubi...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry
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