
106 Enterprises

J. & P. Valente, Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jaaminda Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jabelo's Calçado, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jacinto, Azevedo & Santos, Lda.

Since 1975, Cavalinho has been an unquestionable presence in the Portuguese fashion scene. It al...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

João Gomes Fernandes & Filho, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Joaquim José Heitor, S.A.

JJHeitor, for over fifty years in the market, is specialized in high quality woman footwear production.. ...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jomicorte-Calçado, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jomocol - José Moreira & Costa Lda

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

José Dias Magalhães & Filhos

Production of footwear.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Jovi- Sola Pré-Fabricados para calçado, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Liramana, Sociedade de Corte e Costura de Calçado...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Logocode, Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Textile and Clothing Industry

Loureiro & Filhos, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Lucília, Vieira & Lima, Lda

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Luís Nunes da Silva, Lda.

Luis Nunes da Silva Lda. produces shoes for children and ladies (casual and sneakers) with a medium-hig...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Lusocal – Artigos para Calçado, S.A.

Produce buttresses and Crown moulding, we offer interlinings and other building components of footwea...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Magopico, Calçado Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Manuel Augusto Miranda de Pinho

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Manuel Dias & Filhos, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Manuel José de Pinho Almeida, Unipessoal, Lda.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Manuel Rocha & Santos - Indústria de Calçado Lda

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry
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