05 Aug 2024

Melom strengthens its store network and plans to open in Santa Maria da Feira

Melom Obras continues to strengthen its network of Melom and Qmaco franchise stores. With nine stores in eight municipalities across the country, the network, which operates under a franchising model, has strengthened its presence in the cities of Oeiras with the planned opening of two stores, and will open another Melom store in the city centre of Santa Maria da Feira (on a date to be defined), and others in Santo Tirso, Cascais, Seixal, Sintra, Vila do Bispo and Almada.

With a total of 127 franchisees and more than 600 employees, the brands that opened 19 new units nationwide in 2023, strengthened their network in the first half of the year with the opening of nine stores and a team of 20 employees, two from Melom and seven from Qmaco. In 2023, the MELOM group reinforced its positioning strategy, with the adoption of a new system for all franchisees of the Querido Mudei a Casa Obras brand, the result of a more selective expansion policy.

"After closing 2023 as one of the best years for our franchisees' brands, we continue to strengthen our store network nationwide. We have focused our efforts on supporting franchise units and have redefined new rules for selecting and hiring franchisees. We remain focused on our core business in the construction and renovation sector, and on our franchisees, with a focus on recruiting new professionals and training specialized workers, equipping them with better support tools", highlights João Carvalho, co-founder of Melom Obras, in a press release.

Melom and Querido Mudei a Casa Obras are brands with over 12 years of experience and have won awards in several areas. "With a proximity positioning, with the opening of brand showrooms with a look and feel concept for the Querido Mudei a Casa brand, and the focus on recruiting new professionals from multidisciplinary areas, we hope to contribute to the professionalization of the sector and achieve to be even closer to all our customers”, he reinforces.
Source: in, Correio da Feira
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