16 Jul 2024

Ifthenpay sales turnover grows 25% in the 1st half

Ifthenpay's sales turnover grew by 25% in the first 6 months of the year to more than 3.5 million euros compared to the same period last year.

Ifthenpay closed the first six months of the year with a 25% growth in business volume compared to the same period last year. In this period, the Portuguese fintech handled more than 719 million euros in payments. Due to these results, the growth prospects established at the beginning of the year for 2024 were revised upwards.
Ifthenpay highlights in a statement that the results achieved in the first half of this year are due to the consistent growth dynamics of e-commerce and digital payments, as well as the success achieved with the recent launch of its automatic payment terminals (TPA), which offer retail merchants a 360-degree solution, which integrates in-person and digital payments.

The company, whose turnover exceeded 3.5 million euros between January and June 2024, says that it is now preparing the launch of more and new services to be presented during the second half of this year, to respond to the needs constantly evolving digital payments and online commerce.

"This is an increasingly dynamic and rapidly evolving market, and where, alongside with all the technological and regulatory complexity, digital is becoming more and more important, creating new business opportunities for all players. The excellent results we achieved, reflect this entire dynamic of growth and evolution of digital payments. The year 2024 will once again be one of sustained and significant growth for Ifthenpay, and this equation will also include, in the second half of the year, the launch of new services in which we are working on, which are guided by innovation and which we hope will contribute to further strengthening our leadership position in the market”, highlights Nuno Breda, Co-CEO and co-founder of Ifthenpay.

"It is important to underline that every year Ifthenpay has been growing in a sustained manner and with double-digit ratios, which reflects the dynamics of our market, but also of our company and our business, mirroring the success of our services and solutions, which, over the years, has contributed decisively to helping to achieve and deepen the digitalization of national retail and the internationalization of Portuguese merchants' businesses. Taking into account the results already achieved in the first six months of 2024, we estimate that, onde again, Ifthenpay will exceed the objectives established at the beginning of the year for the 2024 financial year”, adds Filipe Moura, Co-CEO and co-founder of Ifthenpay.
Source: In, Hipersuper
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