24 Jun 2024

Eva Gonçalves is 15 years old and created a brand to make her dream come true

Eva Gonçalves, born in Argoncilhe, created Zeva Horses, a brand of horse riding accessories. At the age of 15, she has a clear goal with the business: to achieve her dream of having her own horse to train and compete.

Through the hands of her paternal grandfather, Eva began to be fascinated by the world of horse riding. Going to the grandparents' house meant a visit to the equestrian center, located next to the family house, to enjoy the horses. At the age of six, she rode for the first time and, since then, she has not been able to move away from the animal anymore.

However, horse riding is not among the most economical sports, resulting in high costs for the Gonçalves family. Therefore, owning a horse always seemed like a distant dream for the young woman. "Initially, I started practicing the sport in a more accessible aspect, at scchool, because we don't have to have our own horse. But, in these conditions, the animal is ridden several times a day, which means that we are more limited in what we can do, because as we evolve, the horse no longer has as much physical and mental availability to support great heights. As my sport is show jumping, I need a horse to be able to practice more frequently and sustain a horse is not possible for a good part of the Portuguese population, as is the case with my family", explains Eva, who estimates that will need, on average, "between 400 and 900 euros per month" to maintain the animal (including food, renting a box in a equestrian and veterinary center).

Now, determined to achieve this, she decided to get to work and use her drawing skills. "I started developing the ideas in July 2023 and launched Zeva Horses in December. As I like arts, I designed the brand's logo and the products, which are belts, a fashion accessory that can be used both for everyday life and for riding".

Designed by those who love horse riding, the belts were not immediately approved by manufacturers. "I defined the collection and the most complicated thing was accepting the idea at the factories. I wanted the belt to have diamonds and they told me it wasn't possible. It was difficult to find someone to produce the model with the materials I wanted", she explains about the registered brand of fashion and accessories for horse riding, "designed to promote elegance in the practice of this sport".

Until then, with three belts available for sale, in three tones, the manufacture is 100% Portuguese and the materials come from suppliers certified by European environmental management standards, as indicated by the brand's founder. "We have always been passionate about nature and have great respect for animals. Therefore, our goal is to support, preserve and care for the planet, making choices that have the least possible impact on the ecosystem. The materials we use were chosen to provide high quality items and durability, but which simultaneously guarantee respect and care for nature in all its forms", she says, ensuring that the leathers are genuine and 100% eco-friendly. "The leather we use comes from the dairy and meat industries. The use we make of animal leather prevents it from being discarded as it is considered waste by these industries", she explains.

In addition to women's belts, Zeva Horses will have, in the short term, men's belts and clothing items. "Belts will continue to be riding accessories, because they combine with the trousers and outfits used in competitions, but they can also be used on other occasions, in everyday life. In the future we will have men's belts and we are already starting to use some clothing items, such as t-shirt of competition", says Eva Gonçalves, who counts on the support of her parents to be able to carry out her ideas.

Inspire others to do the same

With products designed by herself, the young woman has managed to win over some customers, from amateur/professional riders to ordinary citizens. In addition to partnerships, she invested in social media to promote the brand. "Initially, I focused a lot on the riding public, but it's difficult to get in that niche because they don't trust new brands. I got a young ambassador who participates in several competitions and helps me publicize. I also joined a store and managed to sell some belts. I'm spreading the word", she says.

However, she is still far from achieving her dream of having a horse and the means to support it monthly, but she is closer than she was a year ago. "Our profit is not yet significant. But we are already closer to achieving the goal than we were when we started", says the young student, who in this way also tries to inspire other people of her age to pursue their dreams, however difficult as they seem. "At our age, it's hard to understand what we're good at. But I always knew the little areas I was good at, so it was easy to focus on that. When we discover our potential, we just have to focus and we can do extraordinary things. I also want to tell others to never give up of their dreams, even if they think the idea is impossible. I also thought for a long time that my dream was impossible and I found a way to make it possible".

Finishing the 9th year at the Dr. Manuel Laranjeira School Group, in Espinho, Eva Gonçalves will pursue studies in the area of Economics, thus combining her two current areas - horse riding and business.

When it comes to her passion for riding, until she reaps the rewards with Zeva Horses, she will remain limited in her goals. "Currently, my mare is on loan and I share it with two other colleagues, because the monthly fee is high, so I can only ride twice a week. I would like to start jumping other heights, but I am limited", she confesses, although she is hopeful that with persistence she will be able to practice and compete with her own horse, proving that dreams can become reality.

Recently, she won the 'Social Entrepreneurship' award at the National Exhibition of Young Entrepreneurs, organized by the Youth Foundation.
Source: in, Correio da Feira
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