03 Jul 2024

António Rios Amorim elected ‘Pioneer in the commitment to the SDGs’

António Rios Amorim, CEO and chairman of Corticeira Amorim, was selected as ‘SDG Pioneer 2024 – Portugal’, in the ‘Large Companies’ category, an award granted by the UN Global Compact, "in recognition of his dedication, innovation and leadership in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.

The ‘SDG Pioneers’ are an annual initiative that aims to recognize, worldwide, leaders who advocate for their companies a positive approach based on the 17 SDGs, defining ambitious environmental, social and governance goals.

 "The businessman was distinguished among several professionals from the national private sector, after a rigorous and competitive selection process that included a multi-stakeholder panel, composed of representatives of the UN Global Compact Network Portugal board, United Nations entities, representatives of IOM – International Organization for Migration, AdP – Águas de Portugal and Nova SBE – Nova School of Business & Economics”, says the Corticeira Amorim, in a press release.

In addition to being recognized for his work at a national level, as SDG Pioneer 2024 – Portugal, António Rios de Amorim will also be considered in the Global Round, which will identify the UN Global Compact Global Pioneers in September 2024.

According to Anabela Vaz Ribeiro, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network Portugal, "António Rios de Amorim stands out as a visionary in the area of sustainability, leading innovative initiatives that demonstrate his passion for nature. Under his guidance, there has been a continued commitment to sustainable development with a particular focus on environmental sustainability, demonstrating that it is possible to combine economic growth with the sustainable use of resources. His work has been decisive in driving sustainability in the sector, serving as an inspiration for other leaders and companies around the world".

Under the leadership of António Rios Amorim, Corticeira Amorim consolidated, in 2023, "its leading position in environmental sustainability, with a 9.1% reduction in energy consumption, the increase to 68.3% in the use of controlled renewable energy and the 8.8% decrease in CO2 emissions”, says the company, located in Mozelos.

In addition, the company adds that it has also strengthened its commitments in the social dimension, implemented a plan aimed at promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and strengthened its practices with the new generations, with emphasis on the launch of the Young@Cork Programme, which promotes the integration of young people, as well as their development and training.
Source: In, Correio da Feira
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