Created in 1997, the Almeida's develops its activity in the area of accounting, insurance and consulting, primarily in small and medium-sized enterprises, with the following points of interest: accounting, financial area, among other services necessary to develop, able to respond to all the current needs of the market.
Increasingly important partners for businesses and entrepreneurs, accountants assume, today, a fundamental role in the Organization of financial companies. Small, medium and large companies are unable to organize themselves and survive without the help of specialized professionals. The legislation is constantly being updated, increases competitiveness and the need for a controlled accounts management are increasing. It is in this area that accountants earn a weight doubled, in the life of our companies.
Almeida’s – Prestações de Serviços
bookkeeping , accounting , comptabilité , buchhaltung , insurance , versicherung , assurance , servicing , entretien techniciens , wartungRua Nova do Outeiro, 340
if ($empresa["cp"] or $empresa["localidade"]) {
4535-395 Santa Maria de Lamas