
12 Enterprises

Careplants, Lda.

Agriculture and Forest Wholesale

Cinfer - Comércio Industrial de Ferramentas, Lda.

Dedicated to the trade of industrial machinery, tools and accessories, CINFER has a permanent stoc...


Fernando Pinto de Sousa, Lda.

Trade and installation of plates and panels for roofs and facades.


Ibershoes - Serviços Marketing, Lda.

Ibershoes – Serviços de Marketing was created in May 1996. Actually, it is headquartered in Sant...


Januário da Silva Monteiro & Cª. Lda.

Scrap trade in ferrous and non ferrous materials, tubes and plates trade trade in structural tube.


L. M. e J. Autopeças, Lda.

Wholesale trade of parts and accessories for motor vehicles, motor vehicle trade and services wit...

Car Repair and Maintenance Vehicle Trade

NAU14, Business Agency, Lda.

Commercial and financial consulting services; import and export; representations, market research...

Consulting and Accounting

Pinhos & Mouro SA

Industrial decommissioning, recycling and trade in ferrous and non-ferrous materials, dismantlin...


Revidoses Produtos Farmaceuticos, Lda.

Our company is dedicated to international trade, with strong commercial relationships in several countrie...


Simaca, Lda.

Industry materials traders, especially for shoes, as natural or synthetic leather.


Sine Die - Modus Vivendi

SINE DIE is a brand which promotes through its trademarks, BESPOKE SHIRTS AND MODUS VIVENDI a health...

Textile and Clothing Industry

Z-Cork, Lda.

We believe that the cork has an extraordinary role because it is directly in contact with a nobl...

Wood and Cork Industries
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