
101 Enterprises

AC Martins, Lda

AC Martins is a Transport Services Organization company, formed by a qualified team with a degre...

Transport and Storage



Agrupamento de Escolas Coelho e Castro

The “Coelho e Castro School Grouping” (AECC) is an institution of elementary and secondary educatio...

Education and Training

Alegres Desafios Unipessoal, Lda.

Management services (administrative support, accounting (IRS; IRC; ...), management control and invoicing)...

Legal and Notary Activities

Alexandre Miguel Nunes, Unipessoal, Lda.

Driving licences in categories A, B.

Education and Training

Alice de Lurdes Ferreira Resende - Quintinha d...


Alice Martins Unipessoal, Lda.

Wood and Cork Industries

Almeida’s – Prestações de Serviços

Created in 1997, the Almeida's develops its activity in the area of accounting, insurance an...

Legal and Notary Activities

ANPME – Associação Nacional das PME

Provision of services to members.



We are an Architecture and Interior Design office located in the North of Portugal. We embrac...

Architecture and Engineering Retail Trade


A young and dynamic company developed to solve various Civil Engineering projects, with the aim o...

Architecture and Engineering

Associação Portuguesa da Cortiça

The APCOR develops a set of activities, services and projects, national and international in characte...


Atlântico Norte–Equipamentos de Escritório, Informátic...

Hardware, software, CCTV, telephone exchanges, multifunction, point of sale terminals, card printers...

Retail Trade

AudiVouga - Consultoria Empresarial Lda

Accounting, tax optimization, business coaching, management control, human resources management an...

Legal and Notary Activities

AVC - António Vicente Valente, Unipessoal, Lda.

We perform the most We perform the most diverse services in engineering, industrial structures, welding...

Repair, Maintenance and Installation of Machines Wholesale

Beyond The Power, Lda.

Beyond the Power is a metallomechanical company specialized in the manufacture and rectification o...

Repair, Maintenance and Installation of Machines Wholesale

Casa Danibruno

Founded in 1999, the House Danibruno is a company that prides itself on being recognized on the internationa...

Decoration design Furniture and Mattress Industry

Cavex Consult

Consulting Business.


Cincork – Centro de Formação Profissional da Industri...

Vocational training for corporate assets of Cork, training of entrepreneurs and pictures, adult trainin...

Education and Training


Provision of health and wellness services, with high social and human component, and custom work...

Health and Social Support


Firm dedicated to the building of residential and non residential buildings, and also to the rehabilitatio...

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