
26 Enterprises

Alegres Desafios Unipessoal, Lda.

Management services (administrative support, accounting (IRS; IRC; ...), management control and invoicing)...

Legal and Notary Activities

Almeida’s – Prestações de Serviços

Created in 1997, the Almeida's develops its activity in the area of accounting, insurance an...

Legal and Notary Activities

AudiVouga - Consultoria Empresarial Lda

Accounting, tax optimization, business coaching, management control, human resources management an...

Legal and Notary Activities

Cavex Consult

Consulting Business.


Consusell, Lda.

Exportation of cork products, including Cork Stoppers. Exportation of wines and olive oil. Laborator...


DASTRO - Engenharia e Gestão, lda

Industrial Engineering Project, Business Consulting, Fiscal and Accounting services

Others Wholesale

First Number, Unipessoal Lda.

Accounting services, consulting, training in the financial Area, support in creation of new businesses...

Legal and Notary Activities


Renewable energy: micro, miniprodução, solar thermal, biomass solutions. HVAC solutions, home automation...


Gabiseguros - Mediação de Seguros, Lda

Gabiseguros is a company of Gabicontas Group with more than 25 years existence dedicated in insurance...

Financial Activities and Insurance

GAOM - Mentoring & Consulting®

Consulting and Accounting

Gestluz – Consultores de Gestão, Lda.

Throughout its activity, Gestluz Consultants consolidated a position of excellence recognized, base...

Consulting and Accounting

Idryl Consulting, Lda

Computer Activities

INESC Technology and Science – INESC TEC

Associate Laboratory INESC TEC invests in Scientific Research and Technological Development, as wel...

Scientific Research

Infeira, Gabinete de Consultadoria, Lda.

INFEIRA is a business consultancy based just south of Porto, and our philosophy is to forge deep relationship...

Consulting and Accounting

JoinSalesBI, Lda

I.T. - Consulting, Training, Developmento of Mobiole Solutions, Salesforce, Website Automations ...

Computer Activities

Manuel Matos & Filhos, Lda.

Management, accounting services and consulting.

Legal and Notary Activities

Mapa D' Opinião - Unipessoal, Lda.

Conducting: Audits; Market Research; Satisfaction Studies; Socio-Economic Studies; Mistery Shopper...


Maria Alice Almeida Lda.

Consulting services in the economic, financial, accounting and tax.

Legal and Notary Activities

Mind Factory Capital, Unipessoal, Lda.

Consultancy of management control, i.e. the management of economic and financial Performance, reconfiguratio...

Consulting and Accounting

MindSEO Lda.

MindSEO is a Strategic Consulting Agency in Search Engine Optimization and Inbound Marketing Services...

Advertising Computer Activities Consulting and Accounting Education and Training Media/Information Others Scientific Research

NAU14, Business Agency, Lda.

Commercial and financial consulting services; import and export; representations, market research...

Consulting and Accounting
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