
36 Enterprises

AC Martins, Lda

AC Martins is a Transport Services Organization company, formed by a qualified team with a degre...

Transport and Storage

AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal

The initiative "Portugal" is addressed to all civil society, mainly to producers and consumers, wh...


Almeida’s – Prestações de Serviços

Created in 1997, the Almeida's develops its activity in the area of accounting, insurance an...

Legal and Notary Activities

ANPME – Associação Nacional das PME

Provision of services to members.


AudiVouga - Consultoria Empresarial Lda

Accounting, tax optimization, business coaching, management control, human resources management an...

Legal and Notary Activities

BEETRIA - Soluções Ambientais, Lda

Recycling business, specially dedicated to plastic recovery


Cavex Consult

Consulting Business.


Cinfer - Comércio Industrial de Ferramentas, Lda.

Dedicated to the trade of industrial machinery, tools and accessories, CINFER has a permanent stoc...


Criterdestaque - Protecção Contra Incêndio, Unipessoal...

For the safety of your business, your customers, for the safety of everyone.. We believe that th...

DASTRO - Engenharia e Gestão, lda

Industrial Engineering Project, Business Consulting, Fiscal and Accounting services

Others Wholesale

FeiraPark-Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, S.A.

Management and exploitation of science and Technology Park and business incubator.


First Number, Unipessoal Lda.

Accounting services, consulting, training in the financial Area, support in creation of new businesses...

Legal and Notary Activities

FM - Gabinete de Contabilidade e Serviços, Lda.

GABICONTAS is a business group located nearby Oporto dedicated to Accounting services and Managemen...

Legal and Notary Activities

French Atitude-Tamara Pereira Unipessoal Lda

Cleaning Plan for a Perfect House Fin de Obras-Grande Cleaning-Vidros-Arrumaçoes We specializ...

Maintenance of Buildings and Gardens

Gestluz – Consultores de Gestão, Lda.

Throughout its activity, Gestluz Consultants consolidated a position of excellence recognized, base...

Consulting and Accounting

Global Headhunters

After a long period of 11 years as Managing Partner at MRI NETWORK – Experts in Global Search, Hélde...

Consulting and Accounting

INESC Technology and Science – INESC TEC

Associate Laboratory INESC TEC invests in Scientific Research and Technological Development, as wel...

Scientific Research

Infeira, Gabinete de Consultadoria, Lda.

INFEIRA is a business consultancy based just south of Porto, and our philosophy is to forge deep relationship...

Consulting and Accounting

Irmãos Cavaco, S.A.

Founded in 1976, Irmãos Cavaco has emerged as a family based company, starting its activity in quarryin...


Jacinto, Azevedo & Santos, Lda.

Since 1975, Cavalinho has been an unquestionable presence in the Portuguese fashion scene. It al...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Lafitte Bartop, S.A.

With an experience of 20 years in the cork business, RCP International is owned by DS Group a multinationa...

Wood and Cork Industries
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