
81 Enterprises

J.C. Silva, Unipessoal, Lda.

All kinds of natural cork Stoppers washed or in raw, in different calibers and different qualitie...

Wood and Cork Industries

J.H.S. Cortiças, Lda.

All kind of specialities in Cork.

Wood and Cork Industries

J.Tavares, Lda.

Our company produces cork stoppers for Wine and Spirits. With 24 Years of experience, we are alway...

Wood and Cork Industries

Joticork - Cortiças, Lda.

Transport and Storage

JSSCORKS - Joaquim Sousa Santos, Unip. Lda


JVZ Natura Cork Portugal, Lda.

Company dedicated to the manufacture of special corks: tapper corks, t-bar corks, agglomerate, etc.


Lafitte Bartop, S.A.

With an experience of 20 years in the cork business, RCP International is owned by DS Group a multinationa...

Wood and Cork Industries

Lafitte Cork Portugal, S.A.

Wood and Cork Industries

Love in Cork

Wood and Cork Industries

M.A.Silva Cortiças, Lda

Natural cork Stoppers and manufacturing techniques

Wood and Cork Industries

Magna Natura - Cork Wood Specialist

MAGNA NATURA is a brand of furniture, ecological art wall coverings and decoration. Our pieces ar...


Manuel Grilo-Cortiças, Lda.

Natural cork blocks and balls, cork specialties.

Wood and Cork Industries

Marcelino - Cortiças, Lda.

Initiated its activity in 1989 with the manufacture of natural cork products. With the spirit of continuou...

Wood and Cork Industries

Marla Pais Unipessoal, Lda.

MARLA PAIS is a Portuguese brand of cork skin accessories, namely bags and footwear. The brand’...

Wood and Cork Industries

Matias & Neves Lda.

Natural Cork Stoppers, corks, corks conical Bartop. (Furniture, lamps, decorative pieces, all of the...

Wood and Cork Industries

Moisés Lima Asia, S.A.

Corks in plank corks and wine.


MS Cork, Lda.

Wood and Cork Industries


Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Wood and Cork Industries

NAU14, Business Agency, Lda.

Commercial and financial consulting services; import and export; representations, market research...

Consulting and Accounting

Nestor Serra Laranjeira Unipessoal, Lda.

All kinds of corks.

Wood and Cork Industries

Oliveira & Costa - Cortiças Lda

Oliveira & Costa, Lda ( OC Cork ) is an organization with a wide knowledge in cork. Its constituen...

Wood and Cork Industries
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