
754 Enterprises

Mesmo à Medida Sapatos, Unip. Lda.

Manufacture of footwear.

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

MetalValor - Gestão e Valorização de todo o tip...


METAPIGAL - Metalúrgica e Plásticos, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

MG Ribeiro Motores, Comércio e Reparação de Veículo...

Car Repair and Maintenance Vehicle Trade

Milheiro & Meneses, Lda.

Agriculture and Forest

Mind Factory Capital, Unipessoal, Lda.

Consultancy of management control, i.e. the management of economic and financial Performance, reconfiguratio...

Consulting and Accounting

MindSEO Lda.

MindSEO is a Strategic Consulting Agency in Search Engine Optimization and Inbound Marketing Services...

Advertising Computer Activities Consulting and Accounting Education and Training Media/Information Others Scientific Research

Minitravel - Unipessoal, Lda.

Transport and Storage Travel Agencies

Mirtivale Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

Produce and sell Blueberry and cherry in fruit as well as some derivatives such as e.g. jams.

Agriculture and Forest

ML Metalúrgica de Lourosa, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Molduras Cabral, Lda.


Montest, Lda.


Morinos, Transformação de Inox, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Mosago - Moreira Santos e Gonçalves, Lda.

Textile and Clothing Industry

Mota & Ventura, Lda.


Mourauto, Lda.

Multi-brand Auto repair. Experts in Diesel Systems. Test Center of tachographs. Installers and repairer...

Car Repair and Maintenance Vehicle Trade

Moutinho Ribeiro da Silva, Lda.

On Zen is a professional footwear brand resgistered and owned by Hemisfério Verde Unipessoal, Lda. O...

Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Movimauto Automóveis Unipessoal, Lda.

Car Repair and Maintenance Vehicle Trade

Movol - Móveis Volta, Lda.


MPA - Confeções e Têxteis, Lda.

Textile and Clothing Industry

MS Cork, Lda.

Wood and Cork Industries
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