
1118 Enterprises

Elou Introducing Cork, Lda

Elou, a Portuguese brand risen from the will to develop to 100% natural and recyclable offer, present...

Wood and Cork Industries

Elsa Lopes - Construções Unipessoal, Lda


Empolgantpixel Telecomunicações, Lda.


Emprofeira - Empresa de projectos da feira, Lda.

Company founded in 1979. Develops architectural projects and interior, including furniture design...

Architecture and Engineering

Endonorte - Instituto de Endoscopia Digestiva d...

Health and Social Support

Energeticamente Unipessoal, Lda


Enosuber Unipessoal, Lda

With an accumulated experience of more than 40 years in the cork industry, particularly in the productio...

Wood and Cork Industries

Equipcork- Equipamentos Industriais para a Cortiça...

Machinery and Equipment Industry

Ernesto Campos & Filhos, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Ernesto Soares, Unipesoal, Lda.


Erpídio Fernando Alves do Couto, Lda.

Paint and Chemical Industries

Escalaplauso Unipessoal Lda

Our Stage Mechanics Division specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of stage machinery...

Architecture and Engineering

Esmeralda Barbosa Unipessoal, Lda.

Textile and Clothing Industry

Espírito Santo Cortiças, Lda.


Esplendor Visual Unipessoal, Lda

Education and Training

Essências & Desejos, Comércio de Vinhos Unipessoal...

Beverage industry

Esteriplas – Produtos para a Área da Saúde, Lda.

Esteriplas is a Portuguese company of private capital, situated in the North of the country, in Sant...


Estofos Auto José Leite, Lda.

Manufacturing Industry - Others

Estofos Marques, Lda.

Manufacturing Industry - Others

Estrela Solar - Equipamentos de Energia Solar, Lda...


Estúdio 445 - Publicidade e Artes Gráficas, Lda.

Graphic Industries
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