
96 Enterprises

Carlos Rocha Moreira - Serralharia de Construçã...

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Cimontubo - Tubagens e Soldadura, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Comef – Construções Metálicas da Feira, L.da

Comef is an steel company, which designs, manufactures and assembles metal structures. Among the mai...

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Cortes & Cortes, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Crival de Maria Eulalia Santos

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

David & António Oliveira Lda

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Diapor-Diamantes de Portugal, S.A.

DIAPOR - Diamantes de Portugal, S.A., established in January 1975, is nowadays a reference in th...

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Ernesto Campos & Filhos, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Eurogalva - Galvanização e Metalomecânica S.A.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Fábrica Visão, Lda.

All kinds of cast iron parts.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries


Architecture and Engineering Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Fibula - Móveis, Equipamentos e Serviços, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Gonafe - Fernando Gonçalves, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Grupo V17 Alumínios e PVC

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Inducorte - Indústria de Cortantes, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Inoxxi - Soluções em Inox, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Intercruz, Unipessoal, Lda

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

J. Correia & Santos, Lda /Amosil Plásticos, Lda

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

João António Simões, Unipessoal, Lda

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

Jormax, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries

José Correia da Silva, Lda.

Metallurgical and Electromechanical Industries
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